"Well if it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick" <His first line in the movie
"So Jacky Boy, I've been hearin' things from little boidies." <Talkin' about why Jack's there
"They've bin chirpin' things in my ear. Jacky Boy's Newsies is playing' like they're goin' on strike." <Still talkin' about why Jack's there
"Oh yeah? Yeah? What is dis Jacky boy some kinda walkin mouth?" <Talkin' about Dave (later nicknamed "the Walkin' Mouth")
"Well you're right, Jacky Boy, brains. But I've got brains too, and more than just halfa one." <Still talkin' about Davey
"How do I know you punks won't run the first time some goon comes atcha wit a club? How do I know ya got what it takes to win?" <Spot showin' off is leadership
"Dat ain't good enough Jacky boy. Ya gotta show me" <Needs proof before he makes a commitment
"Nevah fear, Brooklyn is heah!" <When the Brooklyn Gang comes to the rescue (fav line of mine)
"Hey look! Any scab I see I soak 'em! Period!" <Voicin' his expert oppinion at the rally
"Hey look! Dey're gonna be playin' wit my hands alright! Cuz it ain't what dey say its what we say. And no body ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em!" <Still voicin' his expert opinion!
"I say... dat what you say... is what I say" <Spot decides to agree with Jack, cause they respect each other